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Difference between Argument and Parameter of the function

Most people are confused between arguments and parameters😕 👉👉 Let's remember the difference between them with a real-life example. Suppose you had an argument (Fight) with your friend. And you wanna tell this fight (argument) conversation to your other best friend. (Common scenario ?) So whatever you have spoken while fighting with your friend is the argument in Java. And your other friend, to whom you want to tell about this fight, is actually the method in Java with a parameter of all of your conversation. What you spoke while arguing with your friend == The method that you are calling to communicate with your best friend. Within this method, whatever you will pass are all arguments. Your best friend whom you told all about your fight == the method which is receiving your conversation (i.e the arguments that you have passed) as the parameter The parameter is variable in the declaration of the function. The argument is the actual value of this variable that gets passed to fun

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